Effects of an aquatic strength training program on certain cardiovascular risk factors in early-postmenopausal women.
Juan C. Colado1, Pedro Saucedo2,
Victor Tella1, Fernando Naclerio3,
Iván Chulvi1, Jose Abellan2
1University of Valencia (Spain), 2Catholic
University of Murcia (Spain), 3European
University of Madrid (Spain)
Supported by PMAFI-PI-01/1C/04 from
Catholic University of Murcia (Spain).
October 2007 • Volume 4 • Issue 2 • AEA Aquatic Fitness Research Journal 2
Despite it being known that local muscular endurance training has a positive influence on the prevention of various physiological parameters associated with certain cardiovascular risk factors among early-postmenopausal women, there are still few scientific studies that have shown the influence of said activities when carried out in the aquatic medium.
PURPOSE: To identify the effects of a periodized aquatic program for strength training (PAPST) on certain cardiovascular factors of early-postmenopausal women.
METHODS: 40 sedentary women volunteers without medical contraindications were chosen: Seventeen (54.73 ± 1.98 yrs) subjects trained in the aquatic medium and twenty three (52.90 ± 1.85 yrs) were the control group (CG). The aquatic exercise group (AEG) trained for 24 weeks with a periodized program for local muscular endurance based on OMNI-RES and with devices that increased drag force, carrying out energetic movements at all times and using the material that best allowed each subject to adapt to the prescribed intensity. The program was: (a) 1st and 2nd month: 8 full-body exercises (F-B E), 2 sets, 20 repetitions, 30 seconds rest interval (RI); (b) 3rd month: 8 F-B E, 3 sets, 20 repetitions, 30 seconds RI; (c) 4th and 5th month: 10 F-B E, 3 sets, 20 repetitions, no RI; (d) 6th month: 8 F-B E using the pre-exhaustion method, 15 repetitions, 30 seconds RI. They did not change their eating habits.
Cardiovascular risk factors were assessed using some pre-post tests.
RESULTS: The PAPST reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in the AEG vs. CG, respectively: Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg) -9.14, p²0.01, vs. - 5.1, p>0.05. Diastolic Blood Pressure
(mm Hg) -6.81, p<0.01, vs. +0.8, p>0.05. Total cholesterol (mg/dL) -6.2, p>0.05, vs. +19.2, p<0.05. Cholesterol low density lipoprotein (mg/dL) +0.28, p>0.05, vs. +17.09, p<0.05. Basal glycemia (mg/dL) +0.04, p>0.05, vs. +6.74, p<0.05. Apolipoprotein B (mg/dL) -8.21, p²0.05, vs. +3.92,
p>0.05. Triglycerides (mg/dL) -7.65, p<0.01, vs. +2.11, p>0.05. Waist perimeter (cm) -3.667, p<0.01, vs.
+2.35, p<0.05. Total fat mass (kg) - 2.942, p²0.01, vs. -0.611, p>0.05.
CONCLUSION: The PAPST is seen to be effective in reducing cardiovascular risk factors during the critical early post menopause period.
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