Porque nuestros mayores también deben entrenar sus GLÚTEOS. SELECTING HIP STRENGTHENING EXERCISES FOR HEALTHY AGING
Muscle strength is necesary for the elderly population, both to preserve their health and prevent injuries and illnesses, and to maintain their physical independence. With regard to this last point, lower-limb strength is essential, and it has been suggested that among the large muscle groups the gluteal muscles are the most important. Gluteus strength is necessary for elderly people and different exercises yield differences in EMG data for the gluteal group. Based on these results, resistance training exercises can be prescribed for older people from among a range of structural and functional exercises. https://ciafel.fade.up.pt/aehd/index.php/aehd/article/view/161 El presente artículo pretende realizar una breve recomendación general para este situación médica particular, lo cual NO SUSTITUIRÁ NUNCA, ni el diagnóstico ni el tratamiento tanto médico como terapéutico que se pueda haber emitido. Así mismo, se recomienda que si usted padece la situación tratada a lo ...